The 2012 International Local Government Infrastructure and Asset Management Conference, hosted by the Municipal Association of Victoria, will be held on May 2 and 3 at the Melbourne Park Function Centre.
The event attracts 300-400 senior local government infrastructure and asset managers. In recent years, a growing number of international attendees have been attracted to this event, as its reputation for outstanding content has spread far and wide.
With the growing emphasis on the need for Councils to be doing more with less and improving Council sustainability, this event has a focus on demonstrating how all Councils can share this knowledge.
In 2012, highlighted topics include:
- identifying how successful (not necessarily wealthy) Councils deliver sustainable outcomes for their communities
- the new futures in freight roads, Geographic Information System (GIS), electric vehicles, climate change and social media
- good practice in inter-Council collaboration (doing more with less)
- service owners, asset custodians and Councillors: who does what?
- sharing the benefits of the Local Government Reform Fund knowledge bank
- case studies galore
- informal networking session at the end of day one.
To register go to
*Copy supplied by MAV