Budget must boost economy, infrastructure and community

The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is calling on the State Government to invest in productivity and economic performance in its 2012 budget.

The budget should also include improvements to infrastructure, vital children’s services and local emergency planning and services, according to the MAV’s submission.

MAV President Councillor Bill McArthur said local government priorities included keeping the economy moving, community safety and wellbeing.

"Population growth is placing pressure on existing infrastructure and resources, and significant investment is needed to maintain productivity, living standards and equitable access to community services.

"We need a comprehensive infrastructure plan with long-term funding to underpin the proposed new Metropolitan Strategy and the Regional Growth Plan.

"This should provide a pipeline of projects that make better use of existing infrastructure, reduce transport barriers, achieve better social and health outcomes and improve our built environment.

"A Victoria Infrastructure Plan would also deliver an economic boost by offering more certainty for investment by the private sector, while guiding local strategic planning to improve community liveability."

The MAV has also requested more State investment in community services for families.

Councillor McArthur said a MAV survey showed that maternal and child health services were facing a funding shortfall of more than $10 per hour.

"Councils cover 50 per cent of the program costs, but a $5.30 per hour increase in the State’s funding share is needed to avoid a reduction in either service quality or availability."

Councillor McArthur said kindergarten programs were also under pressure, with national reforms requiring a 40 per cent increase in each child’s kindergarten hours (to 15 hours a week) by 2013.