Charleville escapes major flood trauma*

The levee constructed around Charleville was built to withstand a flood higher than the major flooding on 1997.

However, the newly constructed flood gates to relieve flooding from Bradley’s Gully were not yet completed and forecasts indicated that flooding in the Warrego River could be worse than the 1997 event

The council and local disaster management group quickly enacted their plans to protect the town and the community.

The LDMG kept residents well informed with newsletters and broadcasts advising residents of the trigger points and actions planned, ensuring them they would provide at least 12 hours warning in the event that evacuation was necessary.

As flood levels exceeded 1997 levels and a leak in the temporary levee meant engineers could not guarantee it would hold, the decision was made to evacuate the town.

The fact that residents escaped the trauma of major flooding this time was not all luck. Under the direction of the LDMG and Chief Engineer the Council staff, SES and community volunteers worked 24 hours a day to build the temporary levee and sand bag any leaks.

Guardian Control Centre was operational in the Disaster Coordination throughout this event and operators efficiently managed Requests for Assistance, Bulletins, Sit Reps and Emergency Alerts to residents. Nearly 1000 calls were received during the 2 week period. Guardian Control Centre fatigue management processes and staff rostering worked well, even in our small community where we were running two 12 hour shifts during the period of 24 hour operations. When additional staff were needed the Department of Environment and Resource Management volunteered support staff who received a short course in Guardian and were able to quickly step in and provide some relief for staff who had been working all week.

Well done to the whole Charleville community.

*Copy provided by QIT Plus