The Heart Foundation Healthy Community Awards showcase councils working to improve heart health, through building a sense of community, encouraging people to be physically active, smoke-free and make healthy food choices.
In 2011, the two Councils to receive national awards for best practice in creating a healthy community were Bellingen Shire Council in New South Wales (population of 15,000 or less) and Hobart City Council in Tasmania (populations greater than 15,000).
State Winners were:
- Central Goldfields Shire Council (Victorian Winner and National Highly Commended)
- Goondiwindi Regional Council (Queensland)
- Dorset Council (Tasmania)
- Shire of West Arthur (Western Australia)
- Port Macquarie–Hastings Council (New South Wales)
- Darwin City Council (Northern Territory)
- Cairns Regional Council (Queensland)
- The Barossa Council (South Australia)
- Manningham City Council (Victoria)
- City of Vincent (Western Australia)
If your Council is working to create a healthy community, you are invited to submit an entry for the 2012 Heart Foundation Healthy Community Awards, which offer $38,000 in cash awards, a high level of exposure for winners and an easy electronic application process.
Entries open Monday 26 March and close Friday 25 May 2012.
For further information visit or call 1300 36 27 87.
*Copy supplied by Heart Foundation