Northern Grampians Shire Council New app for Councillors*

Northern Grampians Shire Council recently rolled out a new iPad app for use by Councillors and Senior Officers for the distribution of Council documents.

The app, Docs On Tap, enabled the Council to replace the existing inefficient process of emailing documents to Councillors who would then have to convert them into iBooks and store them within their library.

Mr Vaughan Williams, Director Corporate Services at the Northern Grampians Shire said "that Docs On Tap has significantly streamlined the process for agenda and minute distribution to the Council, that the Council and Senior Officers of the Council had been using iPads for some time however the process of document delivery was cumbersome and often lead to problems in terms of ensuring everyone was looking at the same document.

"Docs On Tap, provided by Casalar Software, solved these issues by providing a complete solution for document distribution. That once the documents had been pushed up onto the cloud, Councillors simply had to sync the documents from within the App and they then had access to all of the latest information" he said.

Importantly from the Council’s perspective they have been able to apply the app to a whole range of documents and now utilise Docs On Tap to disseminate everything from the Civic Diary through to policies and procedures.

*Copy supplied by Casalar