Online Council application e-forms*

MyOffice24x7 have produced Council specific application eforms to be fully completed and submitted online, eliminating the manual print and post processing. Users are able to fill out eforms for common Council services, such as pet registration and parking permits, online, at any time of the day or night.

Even more exciting, applications can be partially completed and resumed from the last entry and then submitted anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Councils have the option of incorporating an online payment system to further streamline processing.

Our eforms provide tool tips and informative side notes to support and guide users through the process of filling out their form. Combined with extensive inbuilt data validation and error checking capabilities, the likelihood of receiving incorrect and/or incomplete forms is significantly reduced. Gone are the problems of deciphering handwriting and wasting time and resources re-entering information.

The information is fully encrypted and secure so users can be assured of complete confidentiality and privacy.

An added benefit for users is the cost savings associated with printing and postage and, because the information is submitted online, it significantly reduces the processing time, helping users get back to business sooner.

The move to change from manual applications to eform online applications is a positive step to reduce the ecological foot print of Councils by eliminating the need for excess paper and associated paraphernalia.

MyOffice24x7 eForms can be used not only for the most simple pet registration forms, but also for complex applications requiring multiple sections and file uploads, such as building permit processing.

*Copy supplied by MyOffice24x7