What will local government need to be in 2020, 2030…2050? What are the issues local governments are going to face in 10, 20, 30 or 50 years time? How can and, in fact, should local government, elected members and officers, move from a position of stewardship to leadership and how will this shift take place?
The 2012 LGMA National Congress and Business Expo – Reframing Local Communities: From Stewardship to Leadership, is aimed at future-casting global and national issues with local solutions, local knowledge and local leadership.
As in previous years, the congress has pulled together an impressive list of keynote presenters and speakers, who will explore the impacts of recent community and world events across three broad streams – regional futures, community futures and climate futures.
Keynote presenters include international guest, Kevin Compton, Chief Executive Officer, City of Haringey, UK who will explore the impact of the 2011 London riots on the local community of Tottenham; Phillip Adams AO, prominent Australian broadcaster, film-maker, social commentator and author and Catherine Fox, Deputy Editor, Australian Financial Review BOSS magazine and columnist.
The congress will also offer delegates the opportunity to attend a number of workshops and interactive sessions. These include a political master class and low carbon futures workshop; a workshop on crafting the local government message and an interactive presentation and workshop session on diversity as a driver of high performance.
A diverse range of social and networking events complements an already bulging program.
Delegates can extend their stay into a fourth day of the congress and participate in one of two one-day study tours or the inaugural LGMA International Master Class. The theme for the inaugural LGMA international master class is climate change.
For more information and to register visit the dedicated website lgmacongress.org.au or www.lgma.org.au.
*Copy supplied by Local Government Managers Australia