Liverpool City Council tops household recycling in Sydney
Liverpool City Council has been identified as the top performing Sydney metropolitan council for its recycling efforts in the NSW Local Government annual performance report.
The report details the 2010–11 performance of local government kerbside and drop-off waste, recycling and resource recovery services and Liverpool City Council is on the top, with a recovery rate of 70.5 percent.
Liverpool City Council has surpassed the state-wide target of 66 per cent set by the Office of Environment and Heritage, four years prior to the deadline of 2014.
The data, self-reported by councils, covers collections of ‘dry recyclables’, such as bottles, paper, plastics and cardboard, food and garden organics, kerbside clean up waste and residual waste to landfill.
Liverpool City Mayor, Wendy Waller said, "This is a positive outcome for Council, following a number of new initiatives implemented by Council in 2009.
"Some of these initiatives include the commencement of the three bin system; the introduction of recycling service to multi-unit dwellings and a dedicated green waste bin to single unit dwellings.
"Council also contracted the services of the SITA Advanced Waste Treatment processing facility, to sort garbage and recycle or compost materials which would have gone straight to landfill," she said
"Council has an ongoing education campaign and our residents are to be commended.
"Council’s Waste Management Strategy aims to reinforce the message that waste items can be valuable resources and can be recovered and made into new and other materials.
"Well done to the residents of Liverpool City for doing their part in resource recovery and helping divert the amount of waste sent to landfill," Mayor Waller said.
In 2010/11 Liverpool Council residents generated approximately 73,500 tonnes of domestic waste and diverted approximately 53,800 tonnes of this waste from being sent to landfill.
For more information on Council’s waste collection service visit Council’s website: