Sydney goes green for conference

Sydney goes green for conference

The City of Sydney installed fresh green grass, tables, chairs and a giant screen in Sussex Lane to create Pop Sydney – a unique green experience in the heart of the city.

Pop Sydney was part of the national Green Cities conference, held in Sydney in March and attended by more than 2,000 of the world’s top green building professionals.

The City of Sydney was a major sponsor of the Green Cities conference,.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP said people were able stretch out on the grass, play lawn bowls and escape the office for some afternoon sun in the open air.

More than 450 people attended two fully booked Pop Sydney night time events in the laneway where bloggers, architects and Sydneysiders discussed their support for a greener city and a networking event that connected residents with green experts.

Grass from the laneway will be re-used in the city’s parks or, if it’s not suitable for replanting, will be composted into a high-quality soil mix for use in city parks and gardens.