The Western Downs Region in southeast Queensland suffered major flooding in 2011 and 2012, with recovery still underway as future mitigation measures are put in place. One such measure is the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Western Downs Regional Council and Red Cross Queensland.
The arrangement stipulates that Council and the Red Cross will work collaboratively to provide an array of essential basic support services to the community in the event that an evacuation is required as a result of a disaster. The MOU provides a framework for a stronger working partnership between the two bodies, ensuring that all aspects of an emergency evacuation are handled in an efficient and effective manner.
Corporate Services General Manager Lee Vohland drew attention to the two most important responsibilities of Council in operating evacuation centres during a natural disaster emergency – the provision of appropriately trained personnel and personal support.
"Having Red Cross on board now gives Council access to best practice approaches to managing an evacuation centre and the expertise in caring for people who have been displaced and are faced with the challenge of a disaster event," he said.
"The agreement formally acknowledges the roles and responsibilities of Red Cross and Western Downs Regional Council and provides a clear understanding of what is expected during an emergency."
While it is hoped that events such as the recent floods are few and far between, the lesson learned from these and other major natural disasters around Australia is to be prepared. Following the floods, Western Downs Regional Council facilitated a series of debriefing sessions with the Local Disaster Management Group, the Recovery Committee, Council staff, community groups, volunteers and other relevant agencies to gain insight into ways to streamline future evacuation centre operations.
Mr Vohland said, "We hope the need to set up an evacuation centre is something of a rare event but it is reassuring to know that we are trained and prepared. This agreement with the Red Cross reflects Council’s commitment to assist people of the Western Downs in their time of need."