For the latest in innovation, technology and sustainable solutions, lock in Wednesday and Thursday 10th and 11th of October 2012 and head to LOGOV 2012 to see the latest Public Works products in action at it’s new home at the Farm Fantastic site in Caboolture, Brisbane.
For over 30 years, LOGOV has allowed local governments to draw inspiration from the communities they serve with an event that links local government and public works key staff with innovative solutions provided by local, state and interstate businesses and to take advantage of great expo deals.
Over 200 outdoor sites and 40 pavilion booths will be provided for an expected 240 exhibitors and the event will attract 5000 – 6000 visitors over the two days.
Event manager Adam Hain says that the highlight of this year’s event will be the re-introduction of the dig site.
"Exhibitors can pre-book a time slot to display their machinery’s attributes and use this high-impact way to promote the latest high-tech innovations on hand these days." he said
Exhibitors at LOGOV are targeted to be applicable to local government and public works, and include all of the large and small equipment suppliers, service and product suppliers across all areas including parks and playgrounds, buildings, safety across all areas, asset management, water and sewerage, pools, spatial, street and road furniture, erosion and environmental products, to name a few.
Planned to coincide with the IPWEAQ state conference, LOGOV exhibitors can expect that 200 senior engineers will attend the event as part of the conference. IPWEAQ assists Councils, Utilities and Local Government organisations ensure their purchasing officers stay abreast of products and services available to them.
While the exhibition ensures that practitioners gain the appropriate knowledge to allow them to perform their roles, it also helps to raise funds that enable the Queensland Foundation for Public Works Engineering to offer scholarships and endowments to practitioners to further their education and knowledge by undertaking study tours, research or education. This year’s target is $100,000 with all profits to go to the Foundation.
* Copy provided by LOGOV