New software assisting Council operations

During a very busy first term, Maranoa Regional Council has implemented a significant number of key software packages to ensure business practices, legislative requirements and system efficiencies are achieved.

Picking the right product in a highly dynamic and competitive market is not just about keeping up with ever changing technologies, but ensuring selected packages support the workforce, are user friendly and offer flexibility given the complex business requirements of Council in serving the community.

Council’s Director Corporate Services Matthew McGoldrick said one of the most recent achievements of this term has been the implementation of Council’s LG Tender Box, an e-tendering solution created by Local Buy to streamline the tendering processes between business and local government in Queensland.

This e-tendering service features free access to local government tenders, fast downloading of council tender documents, easy uploading of responses to council tenders and the receiving of new tender email notifications by creating one or more advanced searches.

Mr McGoldrick said LG Tender Box essentially allows Council to advertise tenders and quotations, post documents and receive tender responses all online.

"We are now able to manage the tender process from advertisement, management of clarifications and addendums through to recording tender responses," he said.

"Using this program together with our manual system has substantially improved the efficiency of our tender processing."

Council currently manages approximately 100 different software applications in support of its functions and processes. Systems are continually evaluated and further developed to assist the organisation’s working environment and delivery of services to the community.