Sydney Hills welcomes new residents

Mayor of The Hill Shire, Councillor Greg Burnett has welcomed the 2,603 new residents who have moved to the Shire in the last year according to new statistics released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The figures shows population in The Hills Shire reached 179,404 in 2011.

"We are growing and we are changing as a Shire," Mayor Burnett said.

"As our population continues to grow we see changes in planning. The delivery of the North West Rail Link is underway and this rail will bring business to the Hills and choice for our residents."

Mayor Burnett said that The Sydney Hills continue to provide a high quality of life for residents with world-class business precincts, vibrant communities and great lifestyle choices.

"This region is expected to grow in population by around 100,000 people by 2031 under the State Government’s metropolitan strategy for Sydney," Mayor Burnett said. "It is good to see that we are well on track to meet these targets."