Community Car Pool Launched

Residents of the eight Mid North Coasts councils in NSW will have the opportunity to save money on fuel, get priority parking, reduce wear and tear to their vehicles, cut their carbon footprint, meet new friends and help reduce road congestion by becoming a member of Carpool Mid North Coast.

Carpool Mid North Coast is an initiative of the eight Mid North Coast councils – Coffs Harbour City Council, Bellingen Shire Council, Kempsey Shire Council, Nambucca Shire Council, Port Macquarie Hastings Council, Greater Taree City Council, Gloucester Shire Council and Great Lakes Council – plus Transport for NSW, North Coast TAFE, Mid North Coast Local Health District and Southern Cross University.

“Like all the best ideas, Carpool Mid North Coast is very simple. The free, easy to use website helps match members with people taking the same journey, whether regularly or occasionally, and they share a vehicle which cuts the environmental and travel costs. It’s a win-win all round,” said Coffs Harbour Mayor Councillor Keith Rhoades at the launch of the scheme at an event hosted by Bellingen Shire Council on May 25.

The Carpool scheme includes a secure, free, carpool website, member car stickers and branded road signs which will identify the Pick Up and Set Down locations. Priority car parking spaces for cars in the Carpool will be identified in each council area by branded marking. A pilot scheme launched in 2009 in the Northern Rivers region has already proved highly successful.

“Commuters on the Mid North Coast have few transport options. We frequently travel substantial distances by car and, usually alone,” said Anne Shearer, Council’s Road Safety and Transport Officer.

“By putting in place a network of carpoolers across the region, and linking it into the existing carpool schemes elsewhere, members have a very good chance of finding someone making the same journey as themselves whether it’s local or more distant.”