Shoalhaven City residents have been encouraged to save money on their power bills and help the environment by getting rid of unwanted upright freezers and fridges.
The popular NSW State Government Fridge Buyback scheme has been expanded to include unwanted upright freezers along with old unwanted fridges.
The Fridge Buyback program provides householders with a $35 rebate for second working fridges or upright freezers collected from their home, if less than seven steps are involved in the removal. The fridge will be collected for free if there are between eight and 20 steps.
To date the statewide program has helped over 36,500 NSW residents save an estimated $9.7 million in annual electricity bills.
Shoalhaven City Council Mayor, Paul Green said that with an estimated 12,500 Shoalhaven residents in possession of a second fridge or upright freezer, the area could combine to save over $3.1 million in annual electricity bills if residents were to take up the offer.
“Fridges are the third biggest energy users in NSW homes after hot water and heating, with old fridges using up to three times the amount of new fridges,” said Cr Green.
“The NSW State Government Fridge Buyback program is targeting old energy-guzzling upright freezers, as well as the big old fridges in people’s garages.
“Every fridge taken out of circulation will have a positive impact on the environment as well as saving an average of $265 on electricity bills.”
Under the program, second fridges or upright freezers must be in regular use, built before 1996 and be 200 litres or greater in size.
The NSW State Government pays a $35 rebate for collection from homes with six steps or less. Collection is free, but no rebate is paid where collection involves between 7-20 steps.