Flood mitigation plans progress

Maranoa Regional Council has secured Queensland Government funding to
develop a detailed design of works for Roma’s flood mitigation

Maranoa Mayor Robert Loughnan, along with Councillor Cameron O’Neil, Council’s Acting Chief Executive Officer Rob Hayward and Member for Warrego Howard Hobbs MP, met with Premier Campbell Newman in June to discuss the urgent need to obtain funding to progress Roma and Mitchell’s flood mitigation.

Mayor Loughnan said the meeting was very successful, with funding secured to complete a detailed Flood Mitigation Works Proposal for Roma as well as positive feedback on a proposed arrangement for implementation of the mitigation strategies.

“We were successful in our request for $100,000 from the State Government to assist Council in completing the detailed design requirements of Roma’s flood mitigation strategies,” Cr Loughnan said.

“This phase will include design specifications for construction of a levee embankment and diversion channel, as well as plans for a house raising/relocation program in Roma. The plans may be influenced by outcomes from the community consultation program, which will be held over the coming weeks.”

Once the detailed design has been completed, Council proposes to enter into a funding arrangement seeking that the State and Federal government each fund 40 percent of the costs required for implementation of the proposed flood mitigation strategies for Roma and Mitchell, with Council to fund the remaining 20 percent.

“The State Government gave us a good hearing and I understand they will now approach the Federal Government for support of this funding arrangement to progress this project as soon as possible.”

Cr Loughnan also met with Senators Joe Ludwig and Barnaby Joyce in Canberra to discuss the matter at a federal level.