Monash City Council Mayor, Stefanie Perri joined Minister for Local Government, Jeanette Powell, Mulgrave Ward Councillor, Micaela Drieberg and State Member for Southern Metropolitan, Georgie Crozier, to announce funding of $20,000 for the Oakleigh Library and $6000 for the Mulgrave Library Service Point.
“This contribution from the State Government will allow us to improve the popular Oakleigh Library and will also help make the Mulgrave Library Service Point a reality,” Cr Perri said.
“Part of the funding will go towards improving the circulation desk at Oakleigh, which is a focal point of the branch.
“We hope the improvements will encourage more people to visit the Oakleigh branch, get involved in the various activities at the library, including baby and toddler story time, and to learn more about our local area.
“The remainder of the funding will go towards the cost of opening up a library service point at the Wellington Reserve Community Centre in Mackie Road, Mulgrave.
“Having a library service point in Mulgrave will be important for residents of the growing suburb and will complement the existing library services at Oakleigh, Clayton, Glen Waverley, Mount Waverley and Wheelers Hill.
“The library collection and services will aim to address the needs of the broader Mulgrave community, while supporting the existing user groups at the Wellington Reserve Community Centre,” she said.