Home and Community Care Services benefit from federal grant

Home and Community Care (HACC) Services in Moorabool Shire in Victoria have been enhanced by a grant of more than $73,000 from the Federal Government.

Council’s Aged and Disability Services Unit will receive $38,216 in minor capital and $35,129 for HACC assessments; $11,710 for this financial year and $23,419 for next financial year.

Moorabool Shire Council will use the Minor Capital grant to upgrade the current HACCpac system, which has been purpose built and specifically designed for managing community-based Aged Care and Home Care services in Australia. The system is vital for efficient record client information, rostering, time sheets, debtor files, care plans, goal setting and client notes.

The boost to the funding for HACC Assessments will improve the level of care the Shire can provide to its elderly and disabled residents. New directions in the HACC program will focus on improved planning for diversity, strengthening assessment and care planning processes and service delivery, all underpinned by an Active Service Model approach that works to enhance a client’s independence and overall wellbeing.

Moorabool Shire’s Living at Home Assessment staff intend to use the grant to assist them in building on a number of components in the assessment process, gaining greater insight into their clients, their families and carers and, as a result, improving the standard and quality of care provided.