LGE2013 – Local Government Executives National Conference, 5 – 8 March 2013*

Coffs Harbour City Council is to host the first ever conference specifically targeted at Council Directors.
Directors/Executives from the Local Government sector (those that sit immediately under the council GM/CEO level) from throughout Australia will gather to network, learn and exchange ideas at the forthcoming Local Government Executives (LGE) Conference in March 2013.

The conference seeks to help directors identify and clarify the needs of their organisations and provide a clear vision for future infrastructure growth, aligned with core business objectives.

“Coffs Harbour City Council has a long history of running exciting and ‘leading’ conferences in the region including the successful IT conference, which has been running now for over 14 years,” said Craig Milburn, Council’s Director of Corporate Business.

“We identified that local government staff at the director level didn’t have the same opportunities as other levels to network and share successful ideas and knowledge, so we set about creating our own conference.”

The conference program will run for two and a half days and offer a variety of plenary and concurrent sessions. At the completion of the conference, a social afternoon will take place and delegates will have the choice of participating in a bus tour of the local region, golf at Bonville International Golf Resort, or fast-paced action at the F1 Go-Karting.

Specific conference sessions will also be available for partners/spouses to enhance the work/life messages. Delegates are encouraged to bring their spouses to the social networking evening functions and there will also be partners’ program activities happening during the conference.

Online registration is now available and a $100.00 discount is available if you register prior to 7 December.

For further information contact: Michelle Aubert, Conference Manager on: Ph: +61 (0)2 6648 4458 or 0409 783 745 or email: lge@chcc.nsw.gov.au

Coffs Harbour City Council wishes to thank their Gold Sponsors NAB and Civica.
*Copy supplied by Coffs Harbour City Council