Regional library wins award for services to older adults

Rockhampton Regional Libraries have been awarded the 2012 Eric Flynn Award for Library Services for Older Adults for a range of programs targeting this age group.

The Eric Flynn Award is presented by Friends of Libraries Australia (FOLA), a national organisation that represents around 160 Friends of Library groups across Australia. FOLA’s aim is to encourage the use of library and information services and assist and support library management in the promotion and development of excellent library services.

FOLA supports many libraries within Australia and helps recognise the great work that they undertake by offering National Awards, such as the Eric Flynn, Peter McInnes and Colin Watson awards.

The Eric Flynn Award acknowledges the outstanding contribution and support that Rockhampton Regional Libraries has provided to the older generation through activities and events.

In accepting the award, Rockhampton Regional Council’s Chair of the Communities Committee, Councillor Rose Swadling said that, “The Eric Flynn Award is a very prestigious FOLA Award, and it is wonderful to see the staff at our Rockhampton Regional Libraries being recognised for their hard work and dedication.”

“The program that was developed by Rockhampton Regional Libraries has made such a positive impact on the lives of many within our region through the different events and activities that have been organised. However, it was also the staff’s personal interest in getting to know each of the attendees that has made this program memorable for all.”

‘A cuppa, a cake and a life story shared’ was the banner under which the ‘Timeless Teacups’, ‘Tea Lives’ and ‘Lively Baking’ programs were run, targeting a diverse older audience and providing numerous opportunities for community engagement and development.

Speaking about the programs, Rockhampton Regional Council’s Strategic Manager Community & Cultural Development, Cheryl Haughton said that, “Engaging older adults with interesting, participative and appropriate outreach events is a challenging and exciting aspect of public library programming.”

“Our Regional Libraries offer so many different services and events aimed at all age groups and we are always trying to ensure that we find the right mix to engage our community, and in this case particularly the older demographic,” said Ms Haughton.