Sportsturf – working for you*

SportsTurf Consultants (Aust.) Pty Ltd is the largest consultancy firm in Australia that practices specifically in the area of construction and management of
turf surfaces.

Our combined expertise of over 150 years covers all areas of sports field playing surfaces and is available to assist on projects throughout Australia.
We are experienced in working to provide the outcomes that are desired by the client within a consultancy team approach, and in meeting required project milestones.

Our services and advice are geared towards providing industry best standard practices.

Our recommendations are not linked to product sales, so they are completely independent.

We are highly experienced in developing sports field construction specifications involving surface design, drainage and irrigation layouts, soil profiling and grassing.

Our documentation allows directly comparable tendering rather than trying to decide between varying design/construct options. We will give you what you want, not what the contractor can build. Construction supervision is provided to ensure quality of works complies with specifications and expectations.
Sportsturf has developed auditing services to monitor the condition of sports surfaces and provide recommendations for improvement. These audits include playability, surface hardness, and safety issues; and can influence capital works programming. Our sophisticated ‘Ground Usage Audit’ provides parks management and recreation officers with the information to modify usage and team allocation.

Sportsturf has a comprehensive list of laboratory diagnostic services including soil, tissue and water analysis; disease, nematode, insect and weed identification and control; and soil selection testing including drainage capacity. On-site consultancy is provided as required with follow-up
written reports.


*Copy supplied by Sportsturf