The Care Factor

The Launceston City Council has launched a new pilot program, aimed at helping young people better engage with each other, their schools, and the wider community.

The Care Factor program will involve three schools, and targets students in Grade seven. The program comprises a six-hour interactive presentation on positive communication, fighting fair, respect, diversity and rights and responsibilities in public places. It will also link students with a range of community services to ensure they can be more resilient in looking after themselves and others.

Funded by the Tasmanian Community Fund, the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Launceston City Council, the program has also been supported by City Mission through Youth on Paterson, Tasmania Police and Relationships Australia.

The Care Factor program is derived from the highly successful Mersey Respectful Relationships Project. Mayor Albert van Zetten said he hoped the program would reinforce the notion that one person could make a big difference in the world.

“The Care Factor is a program about how we communicate and connect with each other. It’s about how we build a community that has individuality with mutual support, diversity with shared values and strength with caring.

“It is also about empowering our young people to make the right decisions in life, and to respect people from all backgrounds,” Mayor van Zetten said