Bunyip site for bushfire memorial

Koolangara Park in Bunyip has been selected as the location for a memorial garden to commemorate the loss of life and property during the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires.

Cardinia Shire Council received funding from the Victorian Government Department of Planning and Community Development for a memorial and the Bunyip location was selected following community consultation.

Council’s Open Space Coordinator Mark Reynolds said a landscape architect appointed by Council had worked with a community steering committee to develop a master plan for the garden.

“The master plan for the memorial garden, to be located within the existing park on the corner of Hope and Main streets in Bunyip, was on public exhibition for community input until  7 September 2012. Mr Reynolds said.

Council and the community steering committee hope the garden will provide a space for residents to reflect and remember the terrible tragedy of the 2009 bushfires in Victoria.

“The landscape design is intended to provide both a space for contemplation and an area suitable for community congregation,” Mr Reynolds said.

“It shows a concrete path that can be used in all weather conditions connecting the car park to a circular meeting and reflection space.

“Sandstone–coloured retaining walls will provide slope stability and seating around the central area. A 1.2 metre high memorial plaque will sit atop the northern retaining wall.

“A garden bed is proposed to be constructed around the perimeter of the memorial space and will contain attractive and colourful trees, shrubs, grasses and groundcovers,” Mr Reynolds said.

Mr Reynolds said a community planting day and dedication ceremony would occur after the initial landscaping works have been completed. Works are scheduled to begin in September.