CPA Australia – the path to developing your career!*

Randwick Council manager – Mitchel Woods, CPA has been named Young Financial Manager of the Year.

Randwick City Council’s Finance Manager Mitchel Woods has proven local government can mix it with the private sector, taking out the prestigious Young Financial Manager of the Year gong at the Finance Review Capital CFO Awards 2012.

The Capital CFO Awards honour and celebrate Australia’s top financial minds. Each year the awards recognise the individuals and teams in the finance industry that have made a difference to their organisation or an exceptional contribution to Australian business. Randwick Mayor Scott Nash sai d the award win shows local government is in safe hands!

Let CPA take your career to the next level! Join Mitchel and thousands of others worldwide in gaining the competitive advantage with CPA Australia’s training and development opportunities.

Take advantage of what CPA Australia can offer you to take your career in local government to the next level:

  • training and development opportunities to suit your life style and wallet
  • across a wide range of wide range of relevant topics such as:
    • taxation
    • financial accounting and planning
    • management accounting
    • leadership and business skills
  • learning material developed by industry leaders
  • a variety of delivery modes from training workshops, learning manuals and online learning!

For more information on what CPA Australia could offer you, visit

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*Copy supplied by CPA Australia