
The September issue of Local Government Focus contains, amongst many other things, our inaugural letters page; (page 14) the beginning of a conversation with our readers that we hope will continue well into the future.

The letters page is a chance for you to air your views on what is important to local government in Australia. One thing that is made clear by our front–page article is that adaptation to climate change is of great importance. The steps being taken by councils and local government associations on a national scale, to mitigate the impact of climate change, are impressive in both their detail, and the depth of knowledge and commitment that is being exhibited.

The feature in this issue, on Training & Professional Development, has sparked an avalanche of submissions from councils that are providing a vast array of opportunities for staff to improve their knowledge and skills.

There’s everything from basic computing and numeracy training for the outdoor workforce at the Southern Downs Regional Council in Queensland, to social media training at Kingston Council in Victoria. The diversity in the kinds of training and professional development offered by councils is quite remarkable, with the incentive of staff retention being a key element that runs through them all.

Once again, many of the articles in this issue highlight the range of ways in which councils contribute significantly to the health of communities, and draw attention to the consistent work that is put in to improving how councils function, and the services they provide.