Recognising local government’s high achievers

Jenny Scicluna, Manager Community Services, Maroondah City Council, Victoria

Maroondah City Councillor Natalie Thomas nominated Jenny Scicluna, Manager Community Services, for a number of reasons, including her ‘enthusiasm and genuine passion for her job.’

Jenny talked to LG Focus about her career in local government and described just some of the many highlights.

I began my career in local government in 2001, as the Coordinator of the Maroondah City Council Occasional Care Centre, following several years as a primary school teacher and eight years as owner/operator of a Long Day Care centre in Mooroolbark, Vic.

“I was at Maroondah for seven years, during which time I progressed from Occasional Care Coordinator to Team Leader Children’s Services, and then to Program Manager Early Childhood Services, where I was responsible for Maternal and Child Health, Inclusion Support, Occasional Care, Kindergarten liaison, Family Day Care and Vacation Care.

In early 2008 I was successful in securing a position at Banyule City Council, as Manager Youth and Family Services. This was a broad and diverse role, including overseeing Long Day Care, Kindergarten, Inclusion Support, Kindergarten central enrolment, Maternal and Child Health, Family Day Care, Youth Services, Community Safety, Neighbourhood Renewal, Community Grants, Community Trusts, Graffiti programs, Metro Access and Municipal Recovery Management.

In January 2012, I returned to Maroondah City Council in the position of Manager Community Services. My portfolio responsibilities now include Early Childhood Services, Maternal and Child Health, Aged and Disability Services, Libraries and Emergency Recovery Management.

Six months into this new position, Council undertook a minor restructure and I was offered a further opportunity to take on responsibility for the Public Health Unit, which incorporates Immunisation Services and Environmental Health.

Interests, achievements & professional development

I have a particular interest in leadership and staff development, and I often reflect on how I can improve my capacity as a local government leader.
An integral part of my role, and something I am passionate about, is building a positive culture in my teams and supporting their engagement in the organisation. I believe strongly in the potential of an engaged workforce to deliver high performance, excellent customer service and high quality outcomes for the community.

Last year I began studying a Masters in Human Resources at Deakin University, to further extend my understanding of leadership and the important role our workforce plays in delivering strategy for the organisation.

Taking on additional study at a mature age has both inspired and motivated me as a leader; it has deepened my understanding of organisational culture and informed my activities to support and develop staff.

I would like to think my greatest achievement is always going to be the one I am currently working on. Since my return to Maroondah City Council I have been undertaking a change management program to lift service quality and build a positive culture in the team.

Given my interest in developing people and supporting employee engagement, this is the perfect project for me. Staff have kindly provided positive feedback regarding my leadership throughout the program, and I have already seen great progress in the performance of my dedicated team.
Looking to the future

It’s a very exciting time at Maroondah with the imperative of high performance driving positive change, and support for innovation from the executive team and councillors.

I am currently involved in a significant community infrastructure project—the Ringwood Library, Learning and Cultural Centre (RLLCC).

The RLLC will be located in the heart of Ringwood, adjoining the Town Square, and will be an iconic and impressive building that will deliver a unique mix of services with an integrated model of delivery.

The RLLCC is going to include a library, learning spaces, comprehensive council customer services, coupled with regional information services, an interactive local history display, art gallery and transitional exhibition spaces, a youth zone, children’s zone and cafe.

I am currently leading the community consultation and engagement project for the RLLCC and hope that it will be one of my greatest achievements.
I feel very honoured to be nominated as a LG Focus High Achiever. I have a very fulfilling career and am privileged to be able to work alongside wonderful people who are dedicated to their work in delivering high quality services to our local residents.”

The Events Unit, Colac Otway Shire, Victoria

A significant growth in the number of events occurring throughout the year in the Colac Otway Shire has led to the creation of an Events Unit, made up of a full–time Recreation & Events Coordinator, and one full–time and part–time Events Officer.

Colin Hayman, General Manager Corporate & Community Services at the Shire, nominated the Events Unit in the Local Government Focus High Achiever Team category, in recognition of their work in coordinating and running the 48 events a year that the Shire is now involved in. Colin outlines the history of the Unit, and talks about some of their achievements below.

In 2005, the Colac Otway Shire Events Unit comprised one full–time Events Officer, who was responsible for coordinating four events managed by or on behalf of Council, coordinating Council’s input into ‘one off’ events (e.g. Commonwealth Games 2006, major launches, celebrations etc.), coordinating the FReeZa program, and liaising and providing advice to four key external community event committees (the Apollo Bay Music Festival, Birregurra Festival, Kana Festival and Spirit of Christmas).

By 2006 the number of events hosted in the Colac Otway Shire had grown from four to 10, enabling the creation of a part–time Events Officer position to support the newly created Events Coordinator position. 

In addition to the tasks outlined above, the part–time Events Officer was required to develop an Events Manual that included information on alternative funding sources, useful contacts, available resources, as well as developing a standard application form for Shire funding.

By 2008, the number of events had expanded to 17, which justified the appointment of an additional full–time Events Officer position to support the Events Coordinator. By this time, the Unit had developed a more strategic direction and was directly contributing to the development and implementation of a range of new events held within the Shire. They were working closely with all sections of the community, ensuring event compliance in accordance with Council policies and procedures.

In addition to the full time Events officer position, an additional new full time Recreation & Events Coordinator position was also created in 2008. This role is responsible for maximising participation in and equitable access for all individuals and organisations in the Colac Otway Shire to community recreation and events.

The Recreation & Events Coordinator was (and currently remains) responsible for supervising the Events Unit, which by 2008 consisted of one full–time Events Officer and one part–time Events Officer.

The phenomenal growth in the events sector within Colac Otway reflects a growing awareness of the natural beauty of the area and the ability of event organisers to use this beauty as a backdrop for events.

The Events Unit is currently made up of Recreation & Events Coordinator, Jodie Fincham, who brings to the role a wealth of experience from a number of areas of local government, including tourism, events and public relations. Jodie has worked in the events sector in local government for over seven years.

Events Officer, Vicki Jeffrey is an experienced event organiser with several years working as coordinator of the popular Birregurra Weekend Festival. Vicki has a strong background in logistics, which is an invaluable asset in her current role. She is also a passionate local resident who loves where she lives and her chosen rural lifestyle.

Part–time Events Officer Hege Eier is originally from Norway and has lived and studied throughout Europe, and now in Australia. She has studied linguistics in a multicultural environment, speaks a number of different languages, and also has a background in journalism. As a result of her education and experiences, when Hege talks to people in her local community she takes care to listen and to keep in mind that their understanding and ideas about events are not necessarily the same as hers.

I know that the Events Unit would like to see Council increase its funding support to events. For example, increasing the amount of funding available to the heavily oversubscribed annual Festival and Events Support Scheme would be beneficial to the broader Colac community. It would enable the provision of greater support to existing established events and also encourage smaller newer events to flourish.

The Events Unit has developed a specific body of knowledge regarding event management that is readily available to event organisers. We have established processes and procedures, training and accreditation for event organisers and introduced a risk management process for the protection for patrons and organisers.

Having this opportunity to provide input on behalf of our Events Team has enabled me to reflect on how we have grown and developed as a team since our formation, and also on the many successes we have enjoyed along the way.