New bridge is officially opened

The Premier of Tasmania Lara Giddings cuts the ribbon and declares the new Bridge officially open and George Town Council Mayor Roger Broomhall proudly assists.

Premier of Tasmania Lara Giddings officially opened the George Town Council’s ‘Egg Island Creek Bridge’ at Hillwood on Thursday the 2nd May.

The Premier was joined by Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage and Member for Bass, Brian Wightman, George Town Mayor, Roger Broomhall, Council staff and members of the community at the opening of the $1.6 million bridge.

The new concrete bridge replaces a dilapidated 32-year old timber structure that had been closed for 12 months.

The project was jointly funded by the Australian Government through its ‘Federal Roads to Recovery Program’, which allocated $488,000, and the George Town Council which contributed the remaining $1.12 million.

The efforts of Councillors were recognised for identifying the important need to replace the old bridge and approving the allocation of funds through the Council’s Capital Works program.

Congratulations were given to General Manager Stephen Brown, Director of Infrastructure and Development Dino De Paoli, Director of Corporate and Community Services Philip Lynch and their staff, as well as Council Officers and Project staff, for work they had done in relation to the strategic financial management, planning and development of the major infrastructure project.

The old timber structure was demolished and a new reinforced concrete replacement built by TasSpan Civil Contracting in nine months.

The bridge structure was substantially completed in February, and TasSpan was given the additional scope of works to undertake the approach road works, vehicle guard rails and sections of the concrete foreshore trail leading onto the bridge.

The Premier said she congratulated everyone involved.

“We understand the importance of good roads in keeping communities safe, and industries efficient, especially as we modernise and diversify the Tasmanian economy to create new and lasting jobs.”

Minister Brian Wightman said the Egg Island Creek Bridge was an important link for the local community and the growing number of tourists in the area.
“The new two–span, two–lane bridge, with pedestrian walkway, was designed and constructed to service the local population and visiting tourists for the next 100 years,” said Councillor Broomhall.

The community and guests celebrated the occasion with a BBQ and walk across the bridge.