International Mayors head to Summit

With two months to go, over seventy mayors from Asia, Oceania, Europe, North and South America and Africa have already registered to attend the 2013 Asia Pacific Cities Summit  (APCS).This year’s Summit will feature the largest mayoral delegation ever from the South East Queensland region.

For the first time in APCS history, Lord Mayor of Brisbane Graham Quirk will be joined by at least eight South East Queensland mayors, who will collectively showcase why Brisbane and South East Queensland is a market of serious opportunity.Together this group willwork to deliver strong economic outcomes for the region.

With a target of over 100 city leaders, the 2013 APCS will mark one of the largest gatherings of civic and business leaders in the Asia Pacific. With many more city mayors expected to register, this year’s APCS is set to attract over 1000 business and civic leaders from around the globe.

The 2011 APCS saw 115 cities represented and over 200 tailored, prescheduled business-matching meetings and many more individually arranged meetings take place. All delegates who attend this year’s APCS will have the opportunity to participate in the tailored business-matching program, open to both business and civic leaders.

Mayors attending the Summit will also participate in the exclusive Mayors’ Forum culminating in the signing of the Mayors’ Accord, which will outline a commitment to delivering significant economic, social and environmental outcomes for the cities and communities of the Asia Pacific Region.