Moreland named Sustainable City of the Year

Cr Lenka Thompson riding an electric bike at CERES Environment Park

Moreland has been named the 2013 Sustainable City of the Year at the
Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria Sustainable Cities Awards ceremony in

A total of 14 awards, selected from more than 105 entries, were presented at the ceremony. The awards recognised groups and individuals including high school students, councils, environmental groups and local community groups.

Moreland City Council Mayor Oscar Yildiz said he was ecstatic at receiving such a prestigious honour.

“This is a collaborative achievement and a huge thanks and congratulations goes out to the community and all our partners, particularly the Moreland Energy Foundation and CERES Environment Park.

“To win such a prestigious award that recognises Moreland as a leader in addressing climate change inspires us to work harder and smarter in this incredibly important area.

“This award not only highlights the efforts of this Council but also the vision of previous councils and the energy of our officers who have passionately driven many of our climate change initiatives.”

Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change Ryan Smith congratulated Moreland for winning the top title.

“The City of Moreland is a great example of sustainability in action, and as a community they are committed to protecting and enhancing their local environment.”

Led by Moreland Energy Foundation, Council supports a range of innovative programs such as Zero Carbon Moreland, a behaviour change program with more than 4,000 local participants; Clean Energy Solutions, a bulk buying scheme for residents to buy affordable solar panels, hot water services and electric bikes; and Communities for Nature, which has seen 16,000 native seedlings planted by close to 200 households on their nature strips across Brunswick.

Another highlight is the Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies (CERES), established in 1982 with a commitment to the local economy, employment, social cohesion, community governance and ecological restoration.

Councillor Yildiz said he loved Moreland’s bold vision and foresight.

“Our model of setting up the Moreland Energy Foundation as an independent energy education organisation is being emulated by others and CERES Environment Park has become an attraction drawing visitors Melbourne-wide.

“This has been a huge period of environmental milestones beginning with achieving carbon neutrality and most recently opening up the first Electric Vehicle fast-charge hub in Victoria.

“Having the title of ‘Sustainable City of the Year’ is an honour and a responsibility that we take very seriously. We will continue being innovative in this arena, approving our programs and infrastructure to ensure the future is bright for generations to come.”