Dear LG Focus,
The Hills Shire Council is calling for a decision on a second Sydney airport at Badgery’s Creek during this term of Federal Government.
It is time for co-operative, bi-partisan support from all levels of Government across the political spectrum.
Over the last three decades we’ve seen countless studies, debates and varying degrees of political opportunism when it comes to the issue of Sydney’s second airport.
Sydney, one of the world’s true global cities, can no longer afford this amount of procrastination.
If we want Sydney to remain competitive and if we want to continue to provide jobs for Sydney’s growing population, we need to act on the issue of Sydney’s second airport.
Every global city around the world has more than one airport and our future generations deserve more action and less inertia.
I welcome news that the incoming Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss has promised that a decision will be made by the new Federal Government, rather than conducting another study.
However I was disappointed to read in the local press that a number of Blacktown Councillors are proposing yet another study. What’s more, they want Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils(WSROC) to pay for it.
If we’ve learnt anything from the last two terms of Federal Government it’s that the time for studies is over. We need leadership, we need action. Our future generations deserve better than this.
Council’s long-held position is to support the use of Richmond RAAF base as an interim measure to accommodate low-cost budget airlines while a second airport is being decided upon.
Richmond is virtually ready to go at minimal cost. Why not use it?
Councillor Michelle Byrne, Mayor, The Hills Shire Council