Integrated Movement Network Strategy

The Town of Victoria Park is believed to be the first Local Government Authority to have developed an Integrated Movement Network Strategy (IMNS) using State Government guidelines it helped to develop.

The IMNS provides direction for transport and movement in the Town over the next 20 years. It looks at how people and goods are moved through the Town and will guide all stages of development, from planning to finance to completion.

The strategy focuses on:

  • roads
  • public transport
  • walking and cycling
  • parking
  • travel demand management
  • land use

The development of the strategy was a true collaboration between stakeholders. The Town engaged a consultant to work with officers to develop this strategy.

In addition a Project Working Group oversaw the project, made up of representatives from the Town of Victoria Park, the Town’s Integrated Movement and Transport Working Group, Public Transport Authority, Main Roads WA, Department of Transport and Department of Planning.

An extensive public consultation identified areas and issues of concern relating to movement and travel through the Town. The IMNS will result in better targeted money to address transport, and the movement of people. Council will look for opportunities to partner with other agencies to deliver the many components identified in the strategy.

Public transport is a critical issue for the Town now and in the future. The IMNS will guide Council in determining the adequacy of the proposed levels of public transport to be provided under the Draft Public Transport Plan for Perth 2031. It will also help assess the current and future public transport needs and identifying gaps, with regard to what is best for the Town, and also public transport needs beyond the Town.

The IMNS is based on an objective assessment of projects and is linked to the Town’s Strategic Community Plan 2013 – 2028 as well as the State Government’s public transport network strategy Directions 2031 to ensure alignment of objectives.