New systems set to revolutionise stakeholder interaction

New software and procedures currently being implemented by Toowoomba Regional Council will ensure better communication and information channels for all staff members.

“Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.”

While he wasn’t a part of the Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) project team, this practical observation from English physicist Sir Isaac Newton could well have described Council’s new approach to stakeholder engagement.

Finance and Business Strategy General Manager Arun Pratap said the Corporate Processes and Systems Programme (CPS), currently being introduced at TRC, would deliver a ‘simpler way to do business’ by reducing internal roadblocks as well as offering better clarity and access to information.

“This is a very exciting time for our organisation because the programme will focus on the simplification, consistency and efficiency of our information processes. And, with a strong focus on the quality and flow of information, we will be seeing improved decision-making and service delivery to
our community.” 

The programme could be divided broadly into two segments: the introduction of streamlined business processes, and supporting software solutions for Council-wide asset management and the replacement of legacy systems that, in the past, have required extensive levels of manual intervention.

 “We will be introducing common processes and systems across TRC to enable better ways of working – with the ongoing benefits of simplification, consistency, and efficiencies for our staff and external stakeholders.” 

Mr Pratap said TRC was determined to develop a consistent and modern asset-management process.

“Our previous approaches to managing finances, human resources and assets have not been tightly integrated and, at times, have been difficult to use – limiting innovation and frustrating staff and management.

“This new system will allow us to better plan and manage our asset portfolio, which has a value in the order of $4 billion and underpins the majority of Council’s service delivery.”

Mr Pratap said the programme team (in consultation with stakeholders) would design and implement solutions based on best industry practice and would configure software systems to support improved processes.

“We will also implement change-management processes to ensure staff confidence, and we will certainly be consulting with staff regarding the impact on their roles and facilitating required training to fully utilise the new systems.

“After all, this project is about equipping staff with the right tools to do their job.

“This is a dynamic new direction for Toowoomba Regional Council and our region and residents will soon be sharing in the many benefits.”