Community open space in Tweed Heads South has been enhanced by a new playground and public recreation area at Arkinstall Park.
The $200,000 playground and upgraded community open space is the first section of Tweed Shire Council’s Stage 1 upgrade of Arkinstall Park to be officially opened to the public.
“While the $7.75 million Stage 1 upgrade will further entrench Arkinstall Park as a regional sporting complex, the playground and public open space will also help ensure it’s a valuable asset for the general recreation of Tweed Shire residents,” according to the Mayor of Tweed, Councillor Barry Longland, who officially opened the facilities.
“Public consultation for the upgrade highlighted demand for community facilities, not just sports facilities, and this open space is in response to this feedback.
“Arkinstall Park is an important recreational open space for a large portion of the Tweed’s population and it will now be even more inviting for local families.”
Council’s Acting Director of Community and Natural Resources, Stewart Brawley, said encouraging recreation in the park and bringing people to the complex throughout the day improved passive surveillance of its facilities.
“It helps discourage vandalism and other anti-social behaviour at times when sporting events are not being held.”
Also part of the stage 1 upgrade is new netball facilities, recently handed over to the Tweed Netball Association at an opening ceremony.
Tweed Netball Association President Helen Rigney said the new facilities would assist the local clubs that have entered the Queensland Premier League, putting the association in a very strong position.
“We’re also enjoying a rise in player numbers in recent years, with more than 800 players involved in the Tweed Netball Association this season. That includes around 700 juniors.
“The improved facilities provided by the new clubrooms will be extremely valuable in helping the association grow and develop its players.”
The new building includes a meeting room, office, canteen, toilets and showers and an umpires’ sign-on room.
A traditional presentation of players was held at part of the ceremony, including the association’s representative players in 2014.