Nominations for candidates at the 2014 South Australian Local Government Elections are open today, Tuesday, September 2, 2014.
Local Government Association of South Australia (LGASA) CEO, Wendy Campana, said prospective candidates have a two-week window of opportunity to nominate to serve on Council for the next four years.
“There are 707 positions to fill on SA’s 67 Councils, which are included in this year’s election cycle (Roxby Downs does not yet have an elected body).
“While there will be a lot of current Mayors and Councillors asking their communities to return them to office, we are anticipating that there will also be a lot of new faces.
“In 2010 there were more than 1250 nominees – a record 1.8 candidates for every position.”
Ms Campana said the LGASA had produced a suite of documents aimed at informing prospective Councillors about the expectations and responsibilities of the job.
“We are also encouraging women, indigenous people and people of different ethnic origin to put their names forward to be a voice for their community.
“There are significant supports available for new members: more seasoned Council Members assist, Council staff members are a great resource and the LGA provides comprehensive education and training courses to help members.”
Nomination forms and further information is available online at the LGASA’s website, and the Electoral Comission of South Australia’s website.
Completed nomination forms must be returned by 12 noon on 16th September.