2014 National Local Roads and Transport Congress

The 2014 National Local Roads and Transport Congress will explore the themes of Collaboration and Corridors, and there will be a strong focus on how we best manage our transport infrastructure and systems and how they contribute to Australia’s continued economic growth.

Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon Warren Truss MP has accepted an invitation to speak.

An invitation has also been extended to the Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Tourism the Hon Anthony Albanese MP. 

Also speaking at the Congress are former Deputy Prime Minister the Hon John Anderson AO; Brent Finlay, President of the National Farmers’ Federation and Jack Short, our international guest speaker, who recently ended 10 years as Secretary General of the International Transport Forum.

There will also be a number of panel sessions during the Congress.

Panellists will be presenting their insights on the transport challenges of the day.

Their views, experience and knowledge will be drawn upon in developing local government policy positions.

There will be a panel session made up of representatives of local government from across the country; offering an ideal opportunity to share intelligence and continue to build networks. 

Accommodation is starting to fill up, so attendees are being encouraged to register now for this important national event.

An updated program and registration details are available on the ALGA website at alga.asn.au/