The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Crime Prevention, Edward O’Donohue, of a further $200,000 of funding to support its preventing violence against women initiative.
The initiative will build on earlier work to develop local government engagement in the prevention of violence against women.
MAV President Cr Bill McArthur said it was important that councils had assistance in continuing the invaluable work to end family violence.
“Considerable work has already been done by the MAV and councils to prevent men’s violence against women, but our job is certainly not done yet.
“This funding will allow us to continue to support councils who have commenced work in this area, or have indicated their commitment to undertake this work in future.
“I would like to thank the Minister for this vital funding.
“A continued and combined effort is required with the Department of Justice to build local government capacity and action, particularly among regional and rural councils.
“This funding will enable us to develop a Gender Equity Action Plan, and provide support to councils to embed gender equity, and the prevention of men’s violence against women into council policies and programs.
“This initiative will help to support the continued alignment of local government’s prevention of violence against women efforts and activities with the strategic priorities outlined in Victoria’s Community Crime Prevention Framework.
“Victorian councils are leading the way with innovative programs promoting gender equity and working with their communities to change the culture around family violence.
“It is pleasing to see this funding come to fruition ahead of the State Election, with the need for urgent funding outlined as one of 51 commitments in our Call to Parties.”