Proactive approach to housing shortage

Cook Shire Council is planning to take a proactive approach to a projected housing shortage in Cooktown after a two-day forum identified issues surrounding the local housing sector.

The shortfall is expected to be between 30-40 dwellings.

The Housing and Development Forum, hosted by Cook Shire Council and facilitated by Andrew Giles from consultancy firm One Fell Swoop, engaged about 90 property owners, builders, estate agents, banks and others to develop awareness of the housing shortage and come up with solutions.

“It is expected there will be a shortfall of about 80 dwellings within the next two years,” Cook Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Stephen Wilton said.

“Council is taking a proactive approach in managing its own stock to help alleviate the housing pressure and is looking at all possible avenues to house incoming staff.”

One Fell Swoop will submit a report to Council based on the discussions during the forum.