Tweed residents have an easy way to recycle batteries, mobile phones, printer cartridges and other items that are difficult to recycle, with new disposal stations now installed at Council offices.
“Members of the public can also deposit compact discs, DVDs and x-rays into the special recycling stations near the front counters in the civic centres,” Council’s Coordinator Waste Management, Rod Dawson said.
The stations are an initiative of the Mayor of Tweed Shire Council, Councillor Gary Bagnall, whose successful notice of motion called for them to be introduced at the Council’s Civic Centres, schools and businesses.
Council voted to support the motion and provide the stations so residents had a simple and convenient way to dispose of items such as batteries, mobile phones and ink cartridges.
Councillor Bagnall said he would like to encourage residents to get behind
the program.
“Momentum is building throughout Australia to recycle these items and Tweed can join with a growing number of other progressive councils in leading the way. Let us strive to keep Tweed beautiful.”
Mr Dawson said it was a free service that complemented the existing operation at the Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre, where residents can also dispose of batteries, electronic waste and many other recyclable items for free.
In addition, businesses such as Aldi and Battery World offer services for people to dispose of used batteries.