Mid Murray Council Mayor Dave Burgess will take the helm of the Local Government Association of South Australia (LGASA) for the next two years from May 1 2015.
Mayor Burgess, a current LGASA Vice President, was elected unopposed to take office presiding over the LGASA Board.
Under the LGASA Constitution, the President is alternately elected from metropolitan and country Councils.
Mayor Burgess said he was proud to take the role and will be looking to the current President, Mayor David O’Loughlin, for mentoring and advice.
“I want to continue the good work done by previous Presidents in forging closer ties and consultation with the State Government.
“I will also be aiming for a higher profile for provincial cities and the regions and will let State Government know the strength there is in the regions.
“I want the regions to be part of South Australia’s growth plan, while still recognising the enormous potential that exists in metropolitan Adelaide.
“Also top of my agenda is to continue the campaign for the reinstatement, by the State Government in its forward estimates, of the rate concessions for pensioners, pension card holders and self-funded retirees who should not have to bear the brunt of an impasse between the State and Federal governments.”
LGASA CEO Wendy Campana said Mayor Burgess is a highly respected member of the Local Government family and she looks forward to working with him on metropolitan and regional issues.
“The position of President needs someone willing to shoulder a heavy work load; it’s a busy, sometimes frustrating but extremely rewarding appointment.
“The new President takes over just in time for State and Federal Budgets so it promises to a busy and important couple of years for Local Government.”
Mayor Burgess will be sworn in as LGASA President on May 1 at the LGASA Ordinary General Meeting.