Reform reimbursement claim

Western Australian Local Government Association and Australian Local Government Association President Mayor Troy Pickard

West Australian Local Governments have applied to the State Government for $5.4 million to reimburse their costs relating to the recently abandoned Metropolitan Local Government Reform process.

The WA Local Government Association (WALGA) has confirmed it had approached the State Government with an aggregated claim for those costs directly attributable to reform as recommended by the Local Government Advisory Board and approved by the Minister.

WALGA President Mayor Troy Pickard said the claim was modest and did not take into account ancillary or opportunity costs of Councils in complying with the State’s metropolitan reform process.

“The claim represents only those costs incurred in directly responding to the State Government process under their original funding guidelines.

“It does not include staff time, despite significant staff resources being allocated to the reform process, representing opportunity costs for the Local Government sector.”

Mayor Pickard said Councils and their communities should not be disadvantaged for contributing to State Government policy and to have reimbursement of their costs confirmed would assist with their current budgeting processes.

“Local Governments commenced this expenditure to progress reform in good faith as a result of Government policy and it is only fair they are not left short on the costs involved.

“And when you consider $15 million was budgeted by the State for the process, a claim for $5.4 million for work undertaken in preparation is certainly reasonable.”