Council supports lease extension for Bli Bli land

DASSI representatives pictured with Cr Robinson, from left to right Tom Hulett, Rex Eggmolesse, Aunty Maxine Fewquandie, Helen Jones, Arnold Jones, Michael Fewquandie, Kerry Jones, Sonny Byquar and Cr Steve Robinson.

Sunshine Coast Council has agreed to enter into a 30 year trustee lease and provide a letter of support to the Descendants of Australian South Sea Islanders Inc. over a parcel of land located at David Low Way, Bli Bli.

Division 9 Councillor Steve Robinson said Descendants of the Australian South Sea Islanders Inc. (DASSI) on the Sunshine Coast have had an extensive history and strong physical and spiritual connection to the land along the Maroochy River in the Bli Bli area since the turn of the 20th Century.

“These wetlands and waters were well navigated by Aboriginal people and South Sea Islanders and were places where they lived, fished and sought respite and healing.

“DASSI has held a 20 year lease over the State of Queensland owned 40,470 square metre Environmental Management and Conservation zoned land since 1997 which is due to expire in 2017.

“The area around Bli Bli land is steeped in the history of the DASSI and Aboriginal people and Council is delighted to enter into a 30–year trustee lease and provide a letter of support for DASSI to apply to the State Government to secure a 50–year lease over this land.”

Cr Robinson said the extended lease for this land will be for the purposes of environmental management and conservation.

“The intention of this resolution is to provide DASSI with the maximum lease that can be provided by Council under the State Government’s Land Act.

“The final part of the resolution will enable Council to further support DASSI in the hope that the State Government will also consider options for providing long term tenure to DASSI.”