Collaboration on touch football brings community together

Competitors in Mornington Shire Council’s touch football session

Mornington Shire Council collaborated with the community to bring together the first Remote Australia Women Touch Footy session (RAW Touch Footy) as part of council’s strong vision in moving the region forwards.

The training events, aimed to engage with the female population on Mornington Island, was a huge success with over seventy women, plus their children, coming together for sport.

Mornington Shire Council administration assistant and keen organiser Lucy Rogers said, “[Event ororganiser] Trish Evans and I expected to see only seven ladies turn up to the oval for a fun touch footy game, instead there were 70.

“The girls are deadly, clearly wanting the opportunity to have fun, laugh and participate in a healthy lifestyle through sport just as the men and children do.”

The Wednesday afternoon sessions showed great community involvement, with women of all ages attending.

“We hope this will ultimately grow with strength and support allowing these fiercely skilled ladies to take part regionally within the Australian Touch Football competitions like
other communities do.”

Queensland Touch Football Association general manager Gary Madders said he “certainly is looking to support the isolated women.

“Queensland Touch hopes to assist the Mornington Island team who wish to play in the North Queensland regional championships.”
Mornington Shire Council chief executive office Frank Mills said,

“Council are very proud to support community women through sport and I commend the women for getting involved.”