
If Local Government could sit down with a therapist and list off everything troubling it, what would be said?

It would probably be wondering if it would be here tomorrow.

The ongoing threat of amalgamations makes the future look extremely uncertain for many councils.

Why bother with today if you might not be there tomorrow?

It would also be stressed about money.

The freeze on the Financial Assistance Grants and the pressures of rate capping will leave the income dwindling while the bills stack up.

Local Government might also be feeling it’s a disappointment.

With limited time and funds, projects that communities may be crying out for will have to be overlooked.

With the limitations in place, Local Government is struggling to live up to very high expectations, leaving a lot of residents disappointed.

Given all this, what would a therapist diagnose Local Government with?

Anxiety? Depression?

More importantly, what would a therapist recommend as a treatment?

Local Government needs more security in its life.

It needs more predictable sources of income, more reasonable targets, and most importantly, some guarantees for the future.

It’s the uncertainty, the moving goalposts and ever changing responsibilities that are causing councils to hold back, hesitate, and ultimately not function as well as they could.

With clear expectations, a predictable source of revenue and a secure future, Local Government can be a happier, healthier and more productive member of society.