Council mentors businesses on waste

Cessnock City Council is hoping to steer local businesses onto a path of waste reduction.

Council’s Wise on Waste (WoW) project will help businesses to save money, cut waste service bills and reduce environmental impacts by sending less waste to landfill.

Council’s Environment and Waste Manager Michael Alexander said both the NSW Government and Council have adopted waste strategies that set ambitious targets to reduce the volume of waste to landfill.

“Food waste is a prime target as businesses send more than 400,000 tonnes of food waste to landfill each year.”

“We realise the unique challenges food businesses face and want them to know more about food waste and how to reduce it.

“By developing waste avoidance and recycling systems, there are smart ways businesses can reduce waste and its related costs and increase efficiency.”

The WoW project is free to participate in and includes assistance in reviewing current businesses procedures and practices, plus resources and mentoring.

The project is supported by the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW EPA’s Waste Less Recycle More initiative, funded by the waste levy.

As part of the program an information night will be held at the Cessnock Performing Arts Centre on Monday 17 August 2015.

For more information contact Abbie Bagnall on 0437 107 475 or email