Saving waste

Willoughby City Council is one of three councils involved in BPP, alongside Ku-ring-gai and North Sydney City Councils.

Further funding has been granted to the Better Business Partnership (BBP) Waste Saver Service in New South Wales.

The Waste Saver Service provides local businesses with access to a Council Officer who is a trained professional in undertaking waste assessments.

Participating businesses receive a tailored report that identifies opportunities that reduce their waste management costs and increase their level of recycling.

241 businesses on the North Shore have already accessed the service.

The recent funding awarded to local Councils from the NSW EPA, means more local businesses can now access this free service.

The almost $7 million in funding to assist 26 NSW Councils and organisations help small-to-medium businesses increase recycling, reduce waste and lower costs was recently announced by the NSW Environment Minister the Hon. Mark Speakman.

BBP is a joint Council Service funded by Ku-ring-gai, North Sydney and Willoughby City Councils, designed to improve the sustainability of businesses located on Sydney’s North Shore. It was one of the 26 organisations that were successful in securing funding.

“This is an example where Councils working together can demonstrate cooperation and secure these highly competitive funding opportunities to ensure our local businesses can benefit from assistance such as this,” said Mayor of Willoughby, Councillor Gail Giles-Gidney.

North Sydney Mayor Jilly Gibson said she strongly supports this regional initiative: “This is a winner for all our local small businesses.”

Those taking up the BBP Waste Saver Service will also receive access to BBP’s other free services including being listed on the Shop Better Directory, which the Councils promote to their community.

“I urge businesses to take advantage of this free service, as it is offered on a first in, best dressed basis, so don’t miss out,” said Mayor of Ku-ring-gai, Councillor Jennifer Anderson.

BBP has been assisted by the NSW EPA ‘Waste Less Recycle More’ initiative to deliver its Waste Saver Service free of charge for a limited time.