Separation anxiety

The Victorian State Government has released a report that suggests the separation of Sunbury from the City of Hume should not proceed.


Local Government Minister Natalie Hutchins released the Sunbury Hume Transition Auditors report last week, which outlines a number of recommendations on the Sunbury Project, and has deemed the separation not financially viable.


Transition Auditors Frank Vincent and John Watson were appointed in April to advise on the implications of the proposed separation.


Mr Watson and Mr Vincent expressed concern about the financial viability of a new Sunbury Council, advising that a separation would risk Sunbury residents facing significantly higher rate increases, a reduction in services and significant delays in providing much needed community facilities


If a new municipality is created, it must be viable and sustainable in its own right, the report said.


Ms Hutchins said the State Government would now consider the details of the report carefully.  


“We want the best outcome for the residents of Sunbury and Hume. Unfortunately the previous Liberal Government did not share the same concern.


“I want to thank all of the residents from Sunbury and Hume who have made submissions on the separation proposal and assure them that the views of the community are being taken into account.”


Hume Mayor Cr Adem Atmaca welcomed the report, but urged the State Government to avoid further delays and reach a decision on the important issue as soon as possible.


“It is now important for the State Government to make a decision as a matter of urgency so council can break the cycle of speculation and uncertainty about this issue.”


The Transition Auditors report is available at