Local Government Minister visits Queensland

Councillors Brent, Williams, the Hon Mr Fletcher, Councillors Quirk, Parker

The Mayors of South East Queensland (SEQ) met in Brisbane yesterday with the Hon Paul Fletcher MP, Minister for Territories, Local Government and Major Projects, ahead of a Mayoral delegation to Canberra later this month.

Council of Mayors (SEQ) Chair Cr Graham Quirk said the organisation had welcomed the appointment of a dedicated Minister for Local Government, and looked forward to working with Minister Fletcher for the benefit of SEQ.

“There appears to be a clear alignment between the Turnbull Government’s agenda and the work of the Council of Mayors (SEQ). We too believe every level of Government must work together to ensure our regions and cities progress, delivering economic growth and quality of life for all.

“Specifically, the SEQ Mayors are keen to discuss the infrastructure needed to support our growing region and investigate alternate models for prioritising and funding major infrastructure projects for Queensland.

“Minister Fletcher also brings substantial technology credentials to the Local Government portfolio which will no doubt be a huge asset in supporting SEQ’s objective of becoming the world’s first Smart Region,” Cr Quirk said.

The new Minister for Territories, Local Government and Major Projects said he looked forward to building a strong and productive relationship with the Council of Mayors (SEQ).

“The Turnbull Government has a strong commitment to a cities agenda as demonstrated by the appointment of my colleague Jamie Briggs as Minister for Cities,” said Minister Fletcher.

“That agenda of course involves both engagement with State and Local Governments, and hence I am delighted to have this opportunity to meet with the Council of Mayors (SEQ).”

The front bench appointment of the Hon Paul Fletcher MP represents the first dedicated Federal Minister for Local Government since the election of the coalition in September 2013.

Previously, Minister Fletcher played a significant role in the communications and technology sector as Parliamentary Secretary to the former Minister for Communications in the Abbott Government.