Coastal path becoming infrastructure showpiece

Use of Bathers Way has almost doubled in sections of the upgraded path.

Newcastle’s revamped Bathers Way path “could rival Sydney’s Bondi to Bronte Walk and Victoria’s Great Ocean Road,” according to the Lord Mayor.

Newcastle residents have long enjoyed spectacular views from the city’s stunning coastline.

But the grandeur of surfers, whales and thriving maritime trade had previously been diminished by congestion and lack of amenity along a narrow asphalt strip between the city’s five beaches.

Newcastle City Council’s Bathers Way project between Nobbys and Merewether – now half complete – is putting an end to the pinch by opening the coastal pathway to all walks of life.

As well as widening the route for locals, the multi-million dollar coastal revitalisation project is broadening the city’s overall appeal.
During community consultation in 2011, more space, shade and seating were at the top of the public’s wish list for the project.

The project has delivered much more than these for pedestrians, cyclists and people with impaired mobility.

“The six kilometre shared pathway is fast becoming the city’s infrastructure showpiece,” Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.

“Judging by early successes, the Bathers Way could rival Sydney’s Bondi to Bronte Walk and Victoria’s Great Ocean Road on the bucket list of great Australian coastal attractions.

“As the inaugural chair of the Coastal Revitalisation project, I am excited our vision is coming to fruition. It is a great achievement for both our elected council and officers to have completed 50 percent of Bathers Way on time and on budget.

“Paths have been widened to a minimum of four metres and extended to make our beaches and links between them much safer, accessible and more user-friendly places.”

Newcastle’s beaches, the harbour, ocean baths, cafes, restaurants, art installations, parks, shaded structures, bike racks, water fountains and exercise facilities will ultimately be linked in an urban planning masterstroke.

The path connecting Merewether to Dixon Park and Bar Beach was completed in December last year and the finishing touches added between Nobbys and Newcastle beaches in January.

The use of Bathers Way has almost doubled in these sections and sparked increased commercial and recreational activity, a sign of better things to come.

The Merewether Beach section was awarded the Planning Institute of Australia’s “Plan to Place” award for New South Wales.

Pedestrian and cycle access has been improved and new shaded areas and seating is now available to the around two million beach users each year.