Each May, Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month is held across Queensland. Bundaberg Regional Council helped spread the message in rural communities.
At the launch of the month-long campaign, Bundaberg Regional Council Mayor Jack Dempsey praised those involved in combatting domestic violence as ”the frontline warriors and true heroes in our community”.
The Mayor attended a candle-lighting ceremony in Buss Park to launch the awareness campaign and to spell out an unmistakable message about domestic violence: ‘Not Now, Not Ever in our Home Town!’
“Domestic and family violence is one of the great sadnesses of society,” said the Mayor.
“It’s great that Council is actively promoting awareness of this issue through events conducted by the Childers and Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centres.
Council’s Community and Cultural Services portfolio spokesperson, Councillor Judy Peters, said the Gin Gin and Childers Neighbourhood Centres ran with the Not Now, Not Ever campaign and encouraged everyone in their communities to start conversations about domestic violence prevention.
“Domestic and family violence affects women, children, men and families across our region,” said Cr Peters.
“The visual campaign involves local businesses, community groups and residents having their photos taken holding placards which ‘give them a voice’ against domestic violence. These photos will then be prominently displayed throughout the community.”
Information tents and barbeques were also held in the communities throughout May.