The City of Rockingham has Climate Change firmly as an objective to be studied and managed into the future. Set out as a Strategic Objective under Council’s Community Plan 2015-2025, the community has prioritised having planning systems, infrastructure standards and community awareness programs that acknowledge, mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Coastal councils right across Australia are looking at the potential impacts of climate change. Any coastal planning processes need to account in the long term for potential changes that could impact coastlines.
The City of Rockingham has embarked upon a risk assessment of different aspects of climate change, which will need to be factored into future planning and operational processes down the track.
Analysis has included: looking at data on sea level rise, reduced rainfall, increased temperature, increased storm events and the rising sea temperatures and acidification.
Recently, the City hosted the 2016 Coastal Councils Conference from 4-6 May. The City of Rockingham was among the 2016 winners of the Australian Coastal Awards, winning the Annual Achievement Award for its work on the Rockingham Beach Foreshore Master Plan.
The judges commented that the project represented an excellent example of preparing a Master Plan in association with very extensive rounds of community consultation. The nomination provided extensive detail on the community engagement process and the tools used in the process. The project represented a large undertaking, covering three planning stages and 4.5 kilometres of urban coastline and had addressed significant environmental and social outcomes.
The objective of the Plan was to enhance the public spaces in the area as a means of stimulating private investment and economic activity in the adjacent private domain. The judges commended the project for accomplishing much in terms of both planning and community engagement and this represents a significant achievement.
Council is also a member of the Peron Naturaliste Partnership, which won the Climate Adaptation award for its Coastal Monitoring Program.
The Awards were established to acknowledge the achievement of individuals and organisations that have made a significant contribution to the Australian coastal environment, settlements and sustainability. The Awards are intended to raise community awareness of the importance of the coastal zone and to encourage coastal planning and management practitioners to strive for excellence.
The City was thrilled to host the other Coastal Councils this year. It was pleasing to be recognised for some of our major work and it’s encouraging to see the officers who are doing this vital work recognised for their dedication and commitment to improving large-scale, co ordinated responses to climate change.